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  5. Translate Content to multiple languages

This article is about content.

If you want to translate language strings from the theme or plugins see this article Translate Theme to another language

Multilanguage plugins

You need a plugin to do manage content in multiple languages. Some of the most popular plugins are

The theme language selector will automatically detect the languages configured with any of those plugins.

All content from pages, products, blogs, etc. are independent from the theme settings. Check the plugin documentation to translate the content.

Translate customizer fields (WPML and Polylang)

1. Upload the xml file

If you want to translate the customizer fields and you are using the child theme, upload the following xml file to /wp-content/themes/goya-child/wpml-config.xml


Both WPML and Polylang recognize that xml file. For the parent Goya theme the file is already in the theme folder. You don’t need to upload anything else.

2. Translate the strings

With Polylang go to Languages > Strings translations and you will see those strings (only non empty fields from the customizer)

With WPML Navigate to WPML > String Translation and search for the strings.

Just search for the field name and translate:

  • header_custom_text
  • header_custom_text2
  • header_custom_text3
  • top_bar_text
  • top_bar_text2
  • top_bar_text3
  • campaign_bar_content
  • campaign_bar_items
  • footer_middle_content
  • footer_bar_copyright
  • footer_bar_custom_text
  • footer_bar_custom_text2
  • popup_content
  • shop_header_description
  • progress_bar_msg
  • progress_bar_success_msg


If you can’t find some of the customizer strings, try changing the default values. For example, with the progress bar messages:

1. First change a the texts and save again. Any small change works, even a simple “.”

2. Then go to WPML > String Translation, click on Translate texts in admin screens.

3. Find the “progress_bar” strings and add them to the translations list.

4. Those new strings will appear in the list to translate

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